
Spellman is a tremendous educational value given the excellence of our programs, the high caliber and dedication of our faculty and staff, our reasonable class size and the quality and accomplishments of our students.

Tuition 2024-2025

Tuition $18,650
Registration Fee $350
Comprehensive Fee  $575
Graduation Fee (seniors only) $375

Sibling discount for second student - $1,000, Sibling discount for third student - $1,500

Spellman uses Blackbaud Tuition for the collection of tuition and fees. New parents must register with Blackbaud tuition. If you already have an existing account, no action is necessary.

Blackbaud tuition

 Current parents are automatically re-enrolled each year and can view their accounts here. The school code is: 11911.

If you have questions on your Blackbaud account, please contact them at (888) 868-8828

We offer three payment plans for tuition with automatic deductions from your bank account.

Financial Aid 

Cardinal Spellman High School uses FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment.  FACTS provides Cardinal Spellman with a needs assessment to determine if your student is eligible to be considered for financial aid.  Financial aid packages are curated using funding from our generous donors.  The deadline to apply for financial aid is January 10, 2025 for new students and March 1, 2025 for returning students. However, late applications will be reviewed and awards will be made as funds remain available. Our School Code is: 2953.

Apply for Financial Aid

If you have questions or concerns about the application process, you may speak with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at 866-441-4637.