Lead is designed for juniors and seniors, who are active in their faith, want to grow deeper in their faith, learn leadership skills, and who desire to lead others closer to God by their example. It does not mean living a perfect life, but it does mean being willing to live a life of virtue. Some members can become Lectors or Eucharistic Ministers for the Morning Masses, assist at 8th grade retreats, and serve as a peer leader on various social and spiritual events.

Our Lead members commit to:

Ø  An active and deliberate attempt to deepen their faith life and relationship with God inside and outside of Spellman

Ø  Come to Campus Ministry events

Ø  Attend monthly Lead meetings

Ø  Attend the annual Lead Retreat

Ø  Participate in service trips

Ø  And have a consistent prayer life and be an example to others

Applications for Lead each year take place in May.