Picture of crucifix against a blue stained-glass window

The Fund for Spellman

*In order to qualify for Leadership Societies and Loyalty Clubs, donations must be directed toward The Fund for Spellman

We are grateful for the generous hearts of our alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of Spellman, who choose to support our school through a gift to the Annual Fund. Giving to the Annual Fund directly benefits the students and families we serve and allows us to put your investment in Spellman where it's needed most. Your generosity represents the foundation for the next generation of Spellman students

Giving Details


If you would like to schedule payments, please do so at the bottom of the form.
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If the scholarship is named after a person, these will be listed in alphabetical order by last name
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Thank you for making your gift today to Spellman! Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Cardinal Spellman High School is exempt from federal income tax as an educational institution. For questions about filling out this form or to update a recurring gift please contact development@spellman.com.